FAQ: Is there a way to get all visitor profiles for a particular website or idSite?

…Here’s an example for your reference: https://example.matomo.cloud/?module=API&method=Live.getLastVisitsDetails&idSite=1&period=day&date=yesterday&format=xml&token_auth=anonymous&showColumns=visitorId You will receive back the list of visitor ID. Now, you can call the user profile using API call: Live.getVisitorProfile You will have…

FAQ: How do I login to Matomo?

https://example.org/matomo, other times it can be https://matomo.example.org. If you are still unsure what your Matomo login URL is, you can follow either of the steps below: If you’re already tracking…

FAQ: Using segments

…use a segment. E-mail reports that use a segment will display the segment name at the top of the page. Common segment definitions Our guide Common segments has instructions for…