FAQ: Understanding Row Evolution Graphs

compare more than one type of metric, for example, a visit count against a percentage or a pageview count against loading times, then the additional metric labels are shown on…

FAQ: Configure Data Retention

…when creating new segment reports. Report Data: This is the aggregated data that is compiled from the raw data to create reports which show information about groups of users for…

FAQ: How do I downgrade from Matomo 5 to Matomo 4?

Matomo 5 comes with minor database schema changes only, which won’t need to be reverted. Nevertheless, please read the instructions fully before proceeding with the steps. We recommend making a…

FAQ: Manual Ecommerce Tracking: Quick Start

…Just before tracking the page view, call the setEcommerceView method while passing the details from your variable… //set the commerce view _paq.push([‘setEcommerceView’, viewProduct.name, // Product name is not applicable for…

FAQ: Matomo Connector EULA

…this EULA not as an individual but on behalf of your company, then « Customer » or « you » means your company, and you are binding your company to…