Visitor Profile is a summary of your visitor, including a list of all their visits. It is possible to export a full visitor profile as JSON or XML. But to export all your visitors profiles data for a particular website, you must implement a small script and use the APIs as explained below.

Steps to export all visitor profiles

This is a two-step process where first, we call an API to collect all « Visitor IDs » for the website, then we loop over the list and for each « Visitor ID » we call the « get visitor profile » api. You need to get in touch with your developers in order to accomplish this.

Please follow the steps below:

  1. Call the API Live.getLastVisitsDetails for a given date range, using &showColumns=visitorId to only return the « Visitor ID » column.
    Here’s an example for your reference:
    You will receive back the list of visitor ID.

  2. Now, you can call the user profile using API call: Live.getVisitorProfile
    You will have to implement a small script to loop through the Visitor IDs, and for each of them call the Live.getVisitorProfile with the parameter &visitorId=XXXXXXX for example:

Note: The visits of the same visitor can be achieved by SQL query only.