APIs Guide: Analytics API

This page is a hub space linking to the Analytics API guides. There are two main APIs in Matomo Analytics Web API: used to request all Matomo reports and to manage (add, update, delete) websites, users, permissions, email reports, etc. T...

FAQ: Set up login with SAML authentication

…this feature, you must specify special values for SAML access attributes. For example: view: myMatomoserver.whatever.com:1,2,3;myotherserver.com:all admin: myMatomoserver.whatever.com:all;mythirdserver.com:3,4 superuser: myotherserver.com;myotherserver.com/otherMatomo If you don’t want to use URLs in your access attributes,…

FAQ: How to set up BigQuery & Data Warehouse Exports

…Matomo datasets and tables in Google BigQuery To setup and configure your Matomo datasets, open Google Cloud Console BigQuery using this link: https://console.cloud.google.com/bigquery. Enable the BigQuery API and the BigQuery…

FAQ: How do I Install Matomo with Plesk

…following command in the Command field, edit the command to match your needs first. /opt/plesk/php/8.1/bin/php /var/www/vhosts/domain.com/httpdocs/console core:archive –no-ansi >> /var/www/vhosts/domain.com/logs/cron-matomo-archive.log The path typically for Plesk will be /var/www/vhosts/domain. If you…

FAQ: Configure Matomo for speed

…on very big mysql tables (when adding a new field, new indexes, etc.). The schema updates can take minutes or hours to complete: it helps to run the Matomo updater…