La propriété de 100 % des données

…data, we always have confidence that we are making user-benefited decisions based on a complete data set. And having full control of our Matomo data is critical – we get…

Blog: Top 5 Web Analytics Tools for Your Site

…including WordPress, Looker Studio, Magento, Jira, Drupal, Joomla and Cloudflare. Pricing: Varies based on monthly hits Matomo On-Premise: free Matomo Cloud: starting at €19/month Try Matomo for Free Get the…

Blog: A Guide to GDPR Sensitive Personal Data

…exercise their rights. Examples of compliant and non-compliant sensitive data processing Here are examples of when you can and can’t process sensitive data: When you can process sensitive data: A…

FAQ: Import Google Search keywords in Matomo

…it to your Matomo URL domain for example: Note: This needs to be a domain. If you have installed Matomo into a subdirectory, you need to enter the domain…

FAQ: How to create a Matomo Cloud account

example below: Above shows the account name will be MYCOMPANY.MATOMO.CLOUD, as it extracts the website name from For agencies or companies that manage several websites (i.e.,, etc.),…

Blog: Benefits and Shortcomings of Multi-Touch Attribution 

…channels (e.g,. 25%-25%-25%-25% in linear attribution or 40%-10%-10%-40% in position-based attribution). These conversion credit allocations may not accurately represent the realities of your industry. Also, most attribution models don’t reflect…

FAQ: Common segments, their use cases and how to create them

Table of contents Segment: Customer Segment Definition Questions to ask… Segment: Returning Customers Segment Definition Questions to ask… Segment: Bounced Visits Segment Definition Questions to ask… Segment: Mobile Visits Segment…