FAQ: [Video] Matomo’s Acquisitions Feature

TRANSCRIPT: So let’s say you’re a small business owner and you’re actively trying a few different digital marketing channels to promote your business. You’ve got a Facebook and Instagram page…

Blog: A Guide to Ethical Web Analytics in 2024

…risk if you fail to comply with privacy regulations like GDPR. For some companies, especially larger ones, the biggest risk of non-compliance with privacy regulations is the potential sudden need…

Privacy Policy

Commissioner: https://www.privacy.org.nz/about-us/contact/ UK: Information Commissioner’s Office: https://ico.org.uk/global/contact-us/ EU: select the appropriate authority from the list provided by European Data Protection Board https://edpb.europa.eu/about-edpb/board/members_en Australia: Office of the Australian Information Commissioner: https://www.oaic.gov.au/about-us/contact-us/…

FAQ: Configure Matomo for security

commits However, these security steps are restricted to the Matomo software. Once you download and install Matomo, more factors come into play. Tips that will help you keep your Matomo…

Blog: Piwik is now Matomo – Announcement

…new website will be matomo.org (automatically redirected from Piwik.org) Follow our new Twitter: twitter.com/matomo_org Github: github.com/matomo-org Facebook : facebook.com/Matomo.org Linkedin: linkedin.com/company/matomo/ If you are already following us on social media,…

La confidentialité de l’analyse Web avec Matomo

…considérable en observant comment ces produits utilisent des balises de suivi. Comme la plupart des autres sites Web utilisent également GA (ou un autre produit Google), Google est en mesure…

La confidentialité de l’analyse Web avec Matomo

…mois. Google Analytics domine l’industrie avec une part de marché de 85,3 %, associée à leurs autres produits comme Adsense, on peut constater leur influence considérable en observant comment ces…