JavaScript tracking - How to
Setup Matomo to track multiple websites without revealing the Matomo server URL footprint which appears in the Javascript code in all websitesSet a custom URL using the Matomo Javascript trackerSet a custom page title using the Matomo javascript titleCreate new visit whenever a user visits my website using a new campaign or a new website referrerTell Matomo to track Unique Visitors based on the Visitor ID cookie, instead of using IP AddressCreate new visit on demand, so that several users using the same computer or browser are counted separatelyGet the time elapsed between two actions or two events in the same visit or even across multiple visitsEnable third party tracking cookies, as well as the existing first party cookiesTrack a website within an iframeTrack Page Scrolls or Page Scroll Depth in MatomoEnable Secure cookie flags in all tracking cookiesRemove the tracked domain or hostname from all page URLsEnable file:// protocol tracking