FAQ: Reseller Guide for Matomo Analytics Plugins

…another name? Your systems may also have “InnoCraft” as a company name. Where do I get the current price for a plugin? Select which plugin you require from: https://plugins.matomo.org/premium Are…

Blog: Matomo vs WP-Statistics – which web analytics plugin suits you best?

https://github.com/wp-statistics/wp-statistics/commits/master) and in general, only 10 people really contributed to it (source: https://github.com/wp-statistics/wp-statistics/graphs/contributors, the graphs shows little contributor activity.) Matomo – has been built by hundreds of contributors (source: https://github.com/matomo-org/matomo/graphs/contributors),…

FAQ: Post-deploy checklist for your Matomo instance

…releases) https://builds.matomo.org (for the one-click update to work) https://plugins.matomo.org (for the Marketplace) https://github.com https://geolite.maxmind.com ☐ The crontab entry is created on at least one server and runs successfully. When the…

FAQ: Using Osano Consent Manager with Matomo

…consent status provided by Osano. Prerequisites Before following the instructions in this guide you should already have created an Osano account and have completed the necessary steps to add the…

FAQ: Using Cookiebot Consent Manager with Matomo

…the consent status provided by Cookiebot. Prerequisites Before following the instructions in this guide you should already have created a Cookiebot account and have completed the necessary steps to add…

FAQ: Using CookieYes Consent Manager with Matomo

…following the instructions in this guide you should already have created a CookieYes and have completed the necessary steps to add the consent manager code to your website. Step 1)…

FAQ: Is Matomo Analytics HIPAA compliant?

…and install Matomo on infrastructure and servers you own or lease from a HIPAA compliant webhosting company. (The official Matomo Cloud service is not HIPAA compliant.) Partner with web hosting…