FAQ: Create and analyse roll-ups

…« Which campaigns contributed the most across several of my websites? » or « How do my various Brands overall compare with each other? » When you have several shops…

FAQ: [Video] Importing Google Analytics data into Matomo

…into a subdirectory, you need to enter the domain without the path. {example https://my-website.example instead of https://my-website.example/matomo/} Authorised redirect URIs: needs to be set to your Matomo URL with this…

FAQ: Analyse Content Tracking reports

Table of contents Where to find Content Tracking Reports Flat vs Hierarchical Reports Easily Analyse Related Content Pieces Identifying your best and worst performing content with content tracking Not only…

FAQ: Real-time Analytics API

The Matomo Live! API gives you easy access to all visits and actions on your websites. The Live! API can be used to query individual visitor records or fetch all…

FAQ: Configuring Evolution Graph Reports

Table of contents Setting The Correct Date Range Setting The Correct Period Customise number of periods Changing Plotted Metrics When working with an Evolution Graph, it is important to remember…

FAQ: How to install a Matomo Premium Feature

…how to install a new plugin. Note: From Matomo On-Premises 4.6, you can also configure the licence key on the command line using the command ./console marketplace:set-license-key –license-key=ENTER_LICENSE_KEY. And that’s…