FAQ: What is Paddle in relation to Matomo?

…Matomo Cloud order process is conducted by our online reseller Paddle.com. Paddle is the Merchant of Record for some of our orders and they provide customer service inquiries and handle…

FAQ: Include & Customize Matomo for your Project

…files. Default is the same as PIWIK_DOCUMENT_ROOT. Note: open_basedir() restrictions may apply Call the API in PHP Check out the user doc about calling Matomo Rest APIs using https requests….

FAQ: Instaurer le suivi des événements avec Matomo

…un peu à ceci : <a href= »mailto:name@example.com » title= »Envoyez-nous un e-mail » onclick= »_paq.push([‘trackEvent’, ‘Contact’, ‘Email Link Click’, ‘name@example.com’]); »>Envoyez-nous un e-mail</a> Comme vous pouvez le voir ci-dessus, le code reprend en grande partie…

FAQ: Advanced: How to Manually Build Campaign Tracking URLs

…the alternative fragment system by adding campaign parameters after a # symbol, with each subsequent parameter separated by an & as shown below: https://example.com/#mtm_campaign=documentation&mtm_keyword=demo Campaign Tracking Compatibility with Alternative URL…

FAQ: How do I track how many users open and read my newsletter emails (using a pixel / beacon)?

…following HTML image code in your newsletter: <img src= »https://matomo.example.com/matomo.php?idsite=YOUR_MATOMO_WEBSITE_ID&rec=1&bots=1&url=https%3A%2F%2Fexample.com%2Femail-opened%2Fnewsletter_XYZ&action_name=Email%20opened&mtm_campaign=internal%20email%20name&mtm_keyword=newsletter_XYZ » style= »border:0;” alt= » » /> Once you add this code in your newsletters, when your users open and read the newsletter, it will…

FAQ: Configuration requise pour Matomo auto-hébergé

…ou MariaDB * (activée par défaut) l’extension PHP pdo et pdo_mysql, ou l’extension mysqli. Matomo est compatible avec n’importe quel système d’exploitation tel que Linux (Ubuntu, RedHat, CentOS, Raspberry Pi…