When crafting a custom report, you have a range of visualization options to choose from:


The Table visualization presents your report data in a familiar tabular format. It allows for a comprehensive view of the data with rows and columns. You can easily switch between this table view and other visualization options like a bar graph, pie chart, or cloud chart, giving you flexibility in how you analyze and interpret the insights from your report.


When you select the « Insights » option for a custom report, Matomo processes the data and offers insights that can help you better understand the underlying information. These insights might include important changes in metrics, notable trends, comparisons with historical data, or any other relevant observations aimed at assisting in data interpretation and decision-making.

Bar Graph

The Bar Graph visualization can present your report data in a visually appealing and easily interpretable manner. It’s particularly effective for comparing metrics across various categories, showing trends, identifying highs and lows, and understanding patterns at a glance.

Pie Chart

The Pie Chart visualization is a powerful tool for showcasing the composition of a data set or the distribution of values within a single metric. It allows for a quick visual understanding of the relative significance of each category or part in comparison to the total.

Cloud Chart

The Cloud Tag Chart visualization offers a visually engaging way to represent textual or categorical data. It allows for a quick assessment of the most prominent or frequently occurring terms within a dataset. The larger and bolder terms stand out, conveying the relative significance or popularity of specific words or topics.

Evolution Chart

The Evolution Line Chart provides a dynamic way to visualize how selected metrics have changed over time. It allows for the identification of patterns, trends, and fluctuations, aiding in understanding growth, trends, or changes in data performance.

We are also planning to add many more visualizations such as maps, visitor log, and more. Please get in touch in case you are missing a specific visualization.

Previous FAQ: Which dimensions and metrics can be selected in Custom Reports?