Matomo 0.4
– ADDED new piwik.js Javascript Tracking API; More information in the blog post and the Javscript Tracking documentation #355 (by Anthon)
– ADDED search engine links now link to the search engine page for this keyword. Added definition for the main search engines; you can contribute more! if a definition, (eg. « search?q={k} » for Google) is not found, we simply link to the search engine homepage. More information how to add the link to the search result page on the Search engine FAQ #747 (by matt)
– UPDATED languages: Catalan, French, Danish, Hungarian, Ukrainian, Spanish, German, Taiwanese
– ADDED new languages: Czech, Thai, Finnish; Piwik is now translated in 27 languages
– ADDED 20 search engines (including the new
– FIXED #690 mysql password html encoded causing problems with special chars like & (by matt)
– FIXED #159 tooltip doesn’t show up on truncated labels with image (by black silence & Anthon)
– FIXED #691 Converted absolute URLs to relative URLs (by Anthon)
– FIXED #712 Updating to a new Piwik version should automatically force the browser to update the cache for JS/CSS files (by Anthon)
– FIXED #743 Optimized include path (by Anthon)
– FIXED #744 Killed Java detection – it wasn’t working properly in all browsers (by Anthon)
– FIXED #632 ZF classes declared twice when calling piwik api from a ZF project (by Anthon)
– FIXED #741 Updated to smarty 2.6.25 (by Anthon)
– FIXED #668 piwik_log_visit.location_ip is negative on 32 bit systems (by Anthon)
– FIXED #551 « Logout » / « Sign out » action linked to the active authentication plugin. (by Anthon)