Matomo in the Grand Canyon!

When I gave a Matomo (Piwik) tshirt to my best friend Benji… … who would have guessed it would end up 5000km from Europe, on the top of the magnificent Grand Canyon? Thank you for this nice surprise!! PS: We …

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Matomo plugin for Drupal

If you are using Drupal to power your website you may be interested by the Matomo (Piwik) Integration for Drupal plugin. This module automatically adds the Matomo tracking code to your Drupal website, as well as providing the following features: …

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Matomo and Translations: Update

Matomo (Piwik) is growing by leaps and bounds and we are proud to say we now have thirteen translations for the latest release! I would like to thank all the translators and reviewers who worked very hard to make sure …

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New Plugin: Matomo Dokuwiki integration

Dokuwiki is a popular wiki software, similar to Mediawiki. « It is a standards-compliant, simple-to-use wiki which allows users to create rich documentation repositories. » Heikki, a Finnish user of Matomo (Piwik), has developed a plugin for easy integration of Matomo in …

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Integrate Matomo with TYPO3

TYPO3 is a popular CMS, « offering full flexibility and extendability while featuring an accomplished set of ready-made interfaces, functions and modules ». It is quite a heavyweight CMS with a huge user and developer base. There are 2 Plugins with different …

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