Professional Security Audit

In the past, whenever we received security related questions and suggestions for Matomo (Piwik), sent to our address, we quickly reacted and released a fix in a new Matomo release. However, going forward, we want to be proactive, so …

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Matomo 0.5, response to « Shocking News in PHP Exploitation »

The Matomo (Piwik) project acknowledges its exposure to the cookie exploit vulnerability described in Stefan Esser’s presentation, « Shocking News in PHP Exploitation« . The potential security vulnerability exists in all versions of Matomo prior to version 0.5. While no exploit code …

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Matomo 0.4.4, response to Secunia Advisory SA37078

The Matomo (Piwik) project confirms that a potential vulnerability exists due to a file included in a third-party library. The vulnerability is exploitable whether or not the web site has the PHP configuration directive register_globals=On. The list of affected Matomo …

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Matomo is Sourceforge Project of the Month!

We are extremely excited to reveal that Matomo has been selected as Sourceforge Project of the month! After only one year and a half, Matomo has reached significant milestones: 150,000 downloads, 29 translations, thousands of active users and community members, …

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100,000 Downloads Milestone!

This is a wonderful day for the Matomo (Piwik) community: Matomo just reached the 100,000 downloads milestone!! This shows just how well received an open source web analytics alternative to Google, Yahoo and others is to the community. Thank you …

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