Matomo Mobile 1.7.1

Matomo Mobile 1.7.1 is a follow up release to the recent 1.7 release, which includes the following changes: Fixed « Show Previous » link not working in Visitor Log When searching for websites, display a message if no website was found Sort …

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Matomo Mobile 1.7

We are proud to announce that Matomo Mobile 1.7 is now available! List of new features and changes in this Matomo Mobile release 1.7 Matomo Mobile now requires iOS4+ and Android 2.2+ Metrics are now selectable in statistics view #2116 …

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Matomo Mobile 1.6.2

Matomo Mobile 1.6.2 is a follow up release to the Matomo Mobile 1.6 release.  What’s changed? Larger font size in statistics view iOS: Fixed Settings icon was not displayed on iPhone and iPod if only one website is accessible automatically …

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Matomo Mobile 1.6.1

Matomo Mobile 1.6.1 is a follow up release to the recent 1.6 release, which includes the following changes: Fixed displayed graph (when using Matomo (Piwik) 1.6 or higher), now using the specified period instead of ‘day’, on iOS Increased the …

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Matomo Response to CVE-2011-3791

The path disclosure weakness described in CVE-2011-3791 does not affect Matomo (Piwik) 1.1. Beginning with Matomo 0.6.3 (released June 2010), the installer creates Apache .htaccess and IIS web.config files to prevent direct access to .php files. Users upgrading from an …

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Matomo Mobile 1.6

We are proud to announce that Matomo Mobile 1.6 is now available! Here is the list of changes in this Matomo Mobile release 1.6: Matomo Mobile now works when Matomo (Piwik) server has thousands of websites New Graphs iPad specific …

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