Matomo Mobile 1.7


We are proud to announce that Matomo Mobile 1.7 is now available!

List of new features and changes in this Matomo Mobile release 1.7

  • Matomo Mobile now requires iOS4+ and Android 2.2+
  • Metrics are now selectable in statistics view #2116
    For example you can display pageviews, unique pageviews, average time on site, etc. for any report (similarly to the Matomo (Piwik) software)
  • Visitors who have achieved a goal are highlighted in Visitor Log and Live!
  • Graphs do display more than 5 values if there is enough space
  • Fixed memory leaks and improved memory usage #2851
    The app should be much more stable now — especially the « Visitors in Real Time » report on Android.
  • Added FAQ on the website, now accessible via Settings and Add Account screen.
    This is useful especially for new users who possibly experience some problems.
  • New « Add Account » screen that lets you creates several user accounts, to access different Matomo servers from your Matomo Mobile app
  • Fixed graph is not displayed correct if one rotates the device in graph detail view
  • Graphs are no longer displayed if you use Matomo 1.5 or earlier #2711
  • New language: Persian
  • Android: user interface changes due to the new Android Style Guide
  • Android: Removed the usage of the Option-Menu as recommended by the Android Developers
  • Android: Added icons for XHDPI Devices. Results in better quality icons on Tablets devices.
  • Android: Display a default image while graph is loading
  • Android: New app icons and density specific app icons #2470 #2065
  • More minor changes (icons updates, bug fixes, etc.)

Known issue

  • Android: Some text fields have focus issues in Add account screen — you have to tap a textfield twice before updating its value.

Underlying code changes

Matomo Mobile has received significant code changes under the hood, in order to improve performance, stability, memory usage and code extensibility/maintainability. Please report any bugs you experience!

Unfortunately, we now have to require Android 2.2+ and iOS4+. The underlying framework (Titanium Mobile) made some changes which made this necessary. For example they switched the JavaScript engine from Rhino to V8 on Android which is only available starting from Android 2.2+. The JavaScript engine V8 brings a lot of performance improvements. We have also rewritten the code base to use CommonJS Modules.




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