FAQ: How do I Install Matomo with Plesk

…following command in the Command field, edit the command to match your needs first. /opt/plesk/php/8.1/bin/php /var/www/vhosts/domain.com/httpdocs/console core:archive –no-ansi >> /var/www/vhosts/domain.com/logs/cron-matomo-archive.log The path typically for Plesk will be /var/www/vhosts/domain. If you…

FAQ: How to Track Google Ads Campaigns with Matomo

…conversion value (if defined), conversion currency and conversion name) to Google Ads. An example URL displayed to the visitor: www.your-website.com/?gclid=321abc Export conversion data There are two ways to export conversion

FAQ: How to create a Matomo Cloud account

…example below: Above shows the account name will be MYCOMPANY.MATOMO.CLOUD, as it extracts the website name from www.MYCOMPANY.com. For agencies or companies that manage several websites (i.e. www.mycompany1.com, www.mycompany2.com, etc.),…

Blog: Making Matomo UI faster

…noticeable both in download size (minus 10%) and in download time (minus 45%). 3) CSS files comparison, returning visit to Matomo CSS files – Before optimization CSS files – After…

Blog: What’s new in Matomo 2.16.0?

…Matomo community has helped us identify several issues with MySQL 5.7 support and Matomo is now fully compatible with the latest MySQL version 5.7+. Matomo is officially compatible with MySQL…