FAQ: Create a Goal in Matomo

…https://example.com/contact.html https://example.com/support/contact/ Is Exactly – This method allows you to get really specific so the goal only fires on the exact URL that you enter, for example https://example.com/contact/submitted/ which might…

FAQ: How do I track how many users open and read my newsletter emails (using a pixel / beacon)?

…following HTML image code in your newsletter: <img src= »https://matomo.example.com/matomo.php?idsite=YOUR_MATOMO_WEBSITE_ID&rec=1&bots=1&url=https%3A%2F%2Fexample.com%2Femail-opened%2Fnewsletter_XYZ&action_name=Email%20opened&mtm_campaign=internal%20email%20name&mtm_keyword=newsletter_XYZ » style= »border:0;” alt= » » /> Once you add this code in your newsletters, when your users open and read the newsletter, it will…


Comprenez la valeur réelle de votre contenu et créez des parcours d’utilisateurs qui influent sur votre activité. Avez-vous déjà passé des heures à créer des pages de blogs ou d’accueil…