FAQ: Matomo & Google Consent Mode V2

Google implemented its Consent Mode v2 in 2023, and it is now compulsory when using Google advertising and measurement products. Consent Mode v2 is a Google-specific requirement that does not…

FAQ: How much does Matomo cost?

Matomo is free and open-source software released under the GPL licence ensuring your freedom to use and modify the software. We are grateful to the core Matomo team for their…

FAQ: How do I track visits on my intranet?

…people will possibly visit the intranet website pages using a similar configuration (For example, similar computers, similar phones, similar IP addresses), and Matomo will use first party cookies to more…

FAQ: How do I make the Matomo Analytics RAW data available to my data warehouse?

…call: https://demo.matomo.cloud/?module=API&method=Live.getLastVisitsDetails&idSite=62&period=day&date=yesterday&format=xml&token_auth=anonymous&filter_limit=100 Replace the domain name demo.matomo.cloud by your Matomo Analytics (formerly Piwik Analytics) URL In &token_auth=anonymous, replace anonymous by the token_auth of your API user. We recommend you create…