FAQ: [Video] Matomo’s Form Analytics Feature

…visitors who completed the form from start to finish; what was the average time spent was completing the form; and how long did your visitors hesitate before hitting that submit…

FAQ: Manage versions in tag manager

…publish it to a specific environment (Dev, Staging, Live). For example, you may want to deploy your tag first to a « test » or « staging » environment to…

FAQ: The Annotations API

…use the Annotations API. These apps have not been created yet, but we’d love it if they did exist, and we’re sure others would too. A WordPress plugin that automatically…

FAQ: Rate limits when tracking media events

Table of contents Limits Disabling the rate limiting of media events Examples of how this rate limiting works Using multiple trackers on a single site Matomo limits the maximum number…

FAQ: How to delete a dimension

…using the example above, the full command would look like this: ./console customdimensions:remove-custom-dimension –scope=visit –index=1 Note: You can find more information on using the Matomo Console via command line here….

FAQ: How do I track form conversions?

…We recommend this option if you have a page that visitors land on after completing a form, such as a thank-you page. As soon as a visitor visits a page…

FAQ: The Visitors Overview report

…with Conversions Pageviews Unique Pageviews Downloads Unique Downloads Outlinks Unique Outlinks Avg. generation time You can select multiple metrics if you want to compare them. For example, to compare the…