As there are no users and no website management in Matomo for WordPress, user permissions are assigned using WordPress Roles.

To access the permissions for Matomo for WordPress follow these steps:

  1. Hover over the « Matomo Analytics » drop down menu on the left hand side of your WordPress Admin page

  2. Click on « Settings » in the menu that opens

  3. Then go to the « Access » panel within the Matomo Analytics Settings page

  4. Here you will find the different WordPress roles (Editor, Author, Contributor, Subscriber, and possibly others like Customer, Shop manager).
    You can assign these user roles to one of the Matomo roles such as « None », « View », « Write » and « Admin »

Alternatively you can assign individual users roles by going to their user settings in WordPress and assigning them one of the following Matomo roles: Matomo View, Matomo Write, Matomo Admin, Matomo Super User.

A user with role « administrator » in WordPress automatically has the Super User role in Matomo for WordPress.

Learn about the differences between these Matomo roles: View, Write, Admin, Super User.

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