In some cases, especially on a high traffic website, Matomo may show visits that have no pageviews or other actions listed, and the Visits log entry says « 0 action », and the Real-time report shows no actions for this visit.

If you’re seeing a lot of « 0 Action » visits in your Visits Log, this indicates that the Matomo tracking code on your website or app is not tracking any « Pageviews » for these visits (But is tracking other actions such as impressions).

Another reason for the « 0 Actions » visits may be for example media impressions (Such as images or videos) or form impressions when visitors visit a specific page on your website where you don’t have « Pageview » tracking setup.

Steps to fix the « 0 action » visits issue

  • This can be fixed by either adding the Pageview tracking code (_paq.push(['trackPageView']);) in the standard Matomo JavaScript tracker. If you’re using Matomo Tag Manager you can instead set up Pageview tracking.

  • If you’re using Heatmaps & Session recording, check that you are tracking a pageview on pages where you also track a Heatmap.

  • If you’re using Form Analytics, you can disable Form Analytics on specific forms (For example Login pages) by adding the data-matomo-ignore tag to your form, which may help.

if you use Matomo On-Premise and Content Tracking feature

If you use Content Tracking, and also Matomo On-Premise, and you have a high traffic website and you experience this issue regularly, then you can reduce drastically how often these empty visit are generated by installing a new plugin: QueuedTracking. If you’re able to install and setup QueuedTracking then all requests for a given visitors will be queued and executed in a batch, likely resolving the issue.

Previous FAQ: How do I fix the error private directories are accessible?