You can follow this guide to deploy Matomo in AWS or any other Cloud provider. But on AWS for example, you would typically use the following services:

  • EC2 instances for the web application servers running PHP and the web server:

    • The default « aws linux ami" can be used.
    • PHP Can be installed with a command such as:

      amazon-linux-extras install -y php8 yum install -y php-gd php-xml php-mbstring php-opcache php-soap
  • RDS for database, using either:
    • MySQL (eg. db.t3.xlarge for a few million pageviews per month)
    • or Aurora (eg. db.m5.xlarge for a few million pageviews per month)
  • EFS to synchronise the following files and folders (Only needed if you run Matomo on multiple servers – High Availability):
    • /config/* – the folder that includes the config.ini.php file
    • /misc/user/* – stores custom logo and favicon that may be uploaded
    • /js/* – stores the JS tracker files and also the tag manager container files
    • Also backup your EFS content by following the guide.
  • Cloudwatch & Log rotate:
    • Cloudwatch can be configured to receive all your log files.
    • A retention date can also be configured for each logs.
    • Then you must still setup log rotate on the servers to rotate the logs and delete these logs eventually from the servers.
Previous FAQ: Is it possible to use Docker containers to setup and run the Matomo Analytics application?