The Activity Log reports on all the following user activities:

  • Annotation added
  • Annotation changed
  • Annotation deleted
  • Component updated (Matomo / Plugin)
  • Custom Alert added
  • Custom Alert changed
  • Custom Alert deleted
  • Custom Dimension configured
  • Custom Dimension changed
  • Geo location provider changed
  • Goal added
  • Goal changed
  • Goal deleted
  • Measurable created
  • Measurable changed
  • Measurable removed
  • Plugin installed
  • Plugin uninstalled
  • Plugin activated
  • Plugin deactivated
  • Privacy: Enable DNT support
  • Privacy: Disable DNT support
  • Privacy: Set IP Anonymise settings
  • Privacy: Set delete logs settings
  • Privacy: Set delete reports settings
  • Privacy: Set scheduled report deletion setting
  • Privacy: Raw data anonymization triggered
  • Scheduled report created
  • Scheduled report changed
  • Scheduled report deleted
  • Scheduled report sent
  • Scheduled report unsubscribed
  • Segment created
  • Segment updated
  • Segment deleted
  • Site access changed
  • Site settings updated
  • Super user access changed
  • System settings updated
  • Two Factor Authentication enabled
  • Two Factor Authentication disabled
  • User created
  • User removed
  • User changed
  • User logged in
  • User failed to log in
  • User logged out
  • User settings updated
  • User sets preference

Other plugins’ activity log events:

  • A/B testing
    – Experiment created
    – Experiment settings updated
    – Experiment status changed (Started, Finished, Archived)
    – Experiment deleted
  • Custom Reports
    – Custom Report created
    – Custom Report updated
    – Custom Report deleted
  • Form Analytics
    – Form created
    – Form updated
    – Form deleted
    – Form archived
  • Heatmaps
    – Heatmap created
    – Heatmap updated
    – Heatmap deleted
    – Heatmap stopped
  • Session Recording
    – Session Recording created
    – Session Recording updated
    – Session Recording deleted
    – Session Recording stopped
  • Referrers Manager
    – Search engine added
    – Search engine removed
    – Social network added
    – Social network removed
  • Google Analytics Importer
    – Google client config added
    – Google client config removed
    – Google client config authorised
    – GA Import created
    – GA Import resumed
    – GA Import deleted
    – GA Import re-import date range
  • Connect Accounts (Matomo Cloud)
    – Google client config authorised for Cloud
    – Google client config disabled for Cloud
Previous FAQ: How can I export the Activity Log UI to embed somewhere else?