Sometimes you may see unwanted data in your Matomo reports. For example you may see in « Behavior > Events » some un-wanted or incorrecly named events. Or in « Acquisition > Campaigns » you may see campaigns that are not real campaigns or were incorrectly named. When this occurs and you want to clean up this data, it is possible to delete some the affected rows within your reports, by deleting the visits which created these data points in the first place.

To delete specific parts of a report, or specific visits, follow the steps below:

  • Login to Matomo as « Super User »
  • Click on « Administration (cog icon) » on the top right of the dashboard
  • Click on « Privacy > GDPR Tools »
  • Select a website from the dropdown, which you want to delete the data from
  • Choose the appropriate condition under « Find data subjects by ». For example if you wanted to delete incorrect rows from your reports in « Acquisition > Campaigns » you would select « Campaign > Name » is « THE-INCORRECT-CAMPAIGN-NAME »
  • Click on « Find Matching Data »
  • Select the rows you want to delete
  • Click on « Delete Selected Visits »

Once you have deleted the visits which led to the incorrect data in your reports, within a few hours Matomo will automatically re-process the historical data reports. After the re-processing of reports is complete, the reports will not show the incorrect data anymore.

Note: this works only when you still have access to the RAW visits details for the time period which you wan to correct data for (ie. when you haven’t yet deleted old tracking data).

Another alternative to remove rows from a report is to search within the reports using the search field (FAQ).