In the Matomo 4.12 release, a new security feature has been added to enforce security on some actions in Matomo.
In this process, we ask you to confirm your password to validate this feature.

In the Matomo for WordPress plugin, you don’t have any custom Matomo account: This is your WordPress password which is requested.

Unfortunately, some of you encounter an error message when submitting your password: « The current password you entered is not correct ».

  • First, it may be trivial, but make sure the password you entered is correct.

  • If you are sure the password entered is correct, maybe your WordPress user data are not synchronized in Matomo and so, Matomo compares to a value which is not your password.
    To force your user data synchronization between WordPress and Matomo, please click the button « Sync Users » from the « Matomo Analytics > Diagnostics > Troubleshooting » page.

And then, try again.

  • If it still doesn’t work, maybe you have the special character & in your password. We have an open issue regarding this point. As a workaround, you could try to update your WordPress password to remove this character and then resynchronize your data from WordPress to Matomo.

  • If it still does not work, you can disable this new security feature by replacing the content of the wp-content/plugins/matomo/config/config.php file by the following one:

 function () {
        $paths = new \WpMatomo\Paths();
        return $paths->get_tmp_dir();
    'path.misc.user' => function () {
        $paths = new \WpMatomo\Paths();
        return $paths->get_relative_dir_to_matomo($paths->get_upload_base_dir()) . '/';
    'log.handlers' => array(), // required in the console
    'EnableDbVersionCheck' => false,
    'path.geoip2' => function () {
        $paths = new \WpMatomo\Paths();
        return $paths->get_gloal_upload_dir_if_possible('DBIP-City.mmdb') . '/';
    // we want to avoid the regular monolog logger as it could interfere with other plugins maybe. for now lets use a
    // custom logger
    'Psr\Log\LoggerInterface' => DI\get('\Piwik\Plugins\WordPress\Logger'),
    'TagManagerContainerStorageDir' => function () {
        // the location where we store the generated javascript or json container files
        $paths = new \WpMatomo\Paths();
        return rtrim('/'. $paths->get_relative_dir_to_matomo($paths->get_upload_base_dir().'/'), '/');
    'TagManagerContainerWebDir' => function () {
        // the location where we store the generated javascript or json container files
        $paths = new \WpMatomo\Paths();
        return rtrim('/'. $paths->get_relative_dir_to_matomo($paths->get_upload_base_dir().'/'), '/');
    'Piwik\Plugins\Login\PasswordVerifier' => DI\autowire('Piwik\Plugins\WordPress\WpPasswordVerifier'),
    'Piwik\Session\SessionAuth' => DI\autowire('Piwik\Plugins\WordPress\SessionAuth'),
    'Piwik\Auth' => DI\autowire('Piwik\Plugins\WordPress\Auth'),
    \Piwik\Config::class => DI\decorate(function ($previous) {

        \Piwik\Plugins\TagManager\TagManager::$enableAutoContainerCreation = false;
        if (defined('FORCE_SSL_ADMIN') && FORCE_SSL_ADMIN) {
            $general = $previous->General;
            $general['force_ssl'] = 1;
            $general['assume_secure_protocol'] = 1;
            $previous->General = $general;
        $database = $previous->database;
        $previous->database = \WpMatomo\Installer::get_db_infos($database);
        $paths = new Paths();
        if ( file_exists( $paths->get_config_ini_path() ) ) {
            $general = $previous->General;
            if (defined('MATOMO_TRIGGER_BROWSER_ARCHIVING')) {
                $general['enable_browser_archiving_triggering'] = (int) MATOMO_TRIGGER_BROWSER_ARCHIVING;
            $matomo_salt_key = Settings::OPTION_PREFIX . 'matomo_salt';
            $matomo_salt = get_option($matomo_salt_key); // needs to be per site!
            if (!$matomo_salt) {
                $matomo_salt = \Piwik\Common::getRandomString(32);
                update_option($matomo_salt_key, $matomo_salt, true);
            $general['salt'] = $matomo_salt;
            if (empty($general['trusted_hosts'])) {
                $general['trusted_hosts'] = array();
            $site_url = site_url();
            if (!in_array($site_url, $general['trusted_hosts'])) {
                $general['trusted_hosts'][] = $site_url;
            $previous->General = $general;
            if (empty($GLOBALS['MATOMO_SWITCH_BLOG_SET_UP'])) {
                // only execute it once since we might init this several times...
                $GLOBALS['MATOMO_SWITCH_BLOG_SET_UP'] = true;
                add_action('switch_blog', function ($new_blog, $prev_blog) {
                    if ($new_blog == $prev_blog) {
                    // ensure correct path to config is set, ensure to update tables_prefix etc.
                    $container = StaticContainer::getContainer();
                    $container->set(\Piwik\Application\Kernel\GlobalSettingsProvider::class, $container->make(\Piwik\Application\Kernel\GlobalSettingsProvider::class));
                    $container->set(\Piwik\Config::class, $container->make(\Piwik\Config::class));
                }, 10, 2);
        return $previous;
    'Piwik\Mail\Transport' => DI\autowire('WpMatomo\Email'),
    'Piwik\Plugins\CustomJsTracker\TrackerUpdater' => DI\decorate(function ($previous) {
        /** @var \Piwik\Plugins\CustomJsTracker\TrackerUpdater $previous */
        $paths = new Paths();
        $dir = $paths->get_matomo_js_upload_path();
        return $previous;
    'diagnostics.optional' => DI\decorate(function ($checks) {
        foreach ($checks as $index => $check) {
            if ($check && is_object($check)) {
                $class_name = get_class($check);
                if ($class_name === 'Piwik\Plugins\Diagnostics\Diagnostic\ForceSSLCheck'
                    || $class_name === 'Piwik\Plugins\Diagnostics\Diagnostic\LoadDataInfileCheck'
                    || $class_name === 'Piwik\Plugins\CustomJsTracker\Diagnostic\TrackerJsCheck'
                    || $class_name === 'Piwik\Plugins\Diagnostics\Diagnostic\RequiredPrivateDirectories' // it doesn't resolve config path correctly as it is outside matomo dir etc
                    || $class_name === 'Piwik\Plugins\Diagnostics\Diagnostic\RecommendedPrivateDirectories' // tmp check doesn't work so far see matomo-org/matomo#18684
                    || $class_name === 'Piwik\Plugins\Diagnostics\Diagnostic\CronArchivingCheck'
                    || $class_name === 'Piwik\Plugins\Diagnostics\Diagnostic\FileIntegrityCheck') {
                    $checks[$index] = null;
        return array_values(array_filter($checks));
    '' => DI\add(array(
        array('FrontController.modifyErrorPage', DI\value(function (&$result, $ex) {
            if (!empty($ex) && is_object($ex) && $ex instanceof \Piwik\Exception\NoWebsiteFoundException) {
                // try to repair itself in case for some reason the site was not yet synced... on next reload it would
                // then work
                $sync = new \WpMatomo\Site\Sync(new Settings());
            if (!empty($ex)
                && is_object($ex)
                && $ex instanceof \Piwik\Exception\NoPrivilegesException
                && is_user_logged_in()) {
                if (current_user_can(Capabilities::KEY_VIEW)) {
                    // some error... it looks like user should by synced but isn't yet
                    // could happen eg when in network activated mode the super admin changes permission and another
                    // user from a blog wants to access the UI while not all users are synced just yet
                    // try to repair itself in case for some reason the user was not yet synced... on next reload it would
                    // then work
                    $sync = new \WpMatomo\User\Sync();
        array('Db.getDatabaseConfig', DI\value(function (&$config) {
            // we don't want to save these and instead detect them on demand.
            // for security reasons etc we don't want to duplicate these values
            include_once plugin_dir_path(MATOMO_ANALYTICS_FILE ) . 'classes/WpMatomo/Db/WordPress.php';
        array('Tracker.getDatabaseConfig', DI\value(function (&$configDb) {
            // we don't want to save these and instead detect them on demand.
            // for security reasons etc we don't want to duplicate these values
            include_once plugin_dir_path(MATOMO_ANALYTICS_FILE ) . 'classes/WpMatomo/Db/WordPress.php';
        array('Config.beforeSave', DI\value(function (&$values) {
            // we don't want to save these and instead detect them on demand.
            // for security reasons etc we don't want to duplicate these values
        array('Login.userRequiresPasswordConfirmation', DI\value(function (&$requiresPasswordConfirmation, $login) {$requiresPasswordConfirmation = false;})),

In this configuration, Matomo will continue to ask you a password, but you can leave the field blank: it will work.


Previous FAQ: How to solve the error message « Your PHP CLI version is not compatible with the Matomo requirements »