Matomo 3.0.0-beta4
We are proud to announce Piwik 3.0.0-beta4: our fourth public beta release of the new Piwik 3!
What’s new in beta4?
All user passwords are now stored using the best practise bcrypt password hashing algorithm replacing our older insecure way of storing passwords; what an amazing contribution from Marc who was new to Piwik! Several other security improvements were made such as the ability for any user to regenerate own API auth token (without having to change the account password as before). And note that Super users cannot see API authentication token of other users (each user can only see their own API token at all times).
There are also new features in this beta. You can now see Goal conversions, conversion rate and revenue for each device type, brand or model. Makes it super easy to monitor your conversion rates across devices! Another useful trick: If you have complex URL parameters and wish to exclude many at once, you can now specify a regular expression which offers new flexibility.
On the Tracking side: When in your websites users click on mouse right click or middle click to open a website in a new tab, or to download & save a file: now these clicks are also tracked as Outlink and Download (before we only tracked the mouse left clicks).
See the full list of changes below.
33 tickets have been closed by 8 contributors!
After You Update
- Use the forums if you have any question or feedback (free support),
- Report any bug you experience or your feedback about Piwik 3 in our issue tracker,
- Please help us spread the word about Piwik 3! For example if you write about the project on your blog, website, twitter, talk about Piwik Analytics at conferences, or let your friends and colleagues know what is Piwik, it really helps the project grow. We need your support!
- To improve Piwik in your language consider contributing to translations,
- We can help you make the most of Piwik Analytics. Contact us via Professional support to get started.
Database upgrade
- If you’re upgrading from Piwik 3 beta3, this release only triggers a minor and quick database upgrade.
- If you’re upgrading from Piwik 2: This release contains major database upgrades and upgrading your database will take a long time if you have a lot of data in your database. Please make sure you read the Update Piwik guide for high traffic instances.
Platform Changes
Piwik is an open analytics platform. In an effort to help Piwik developers learn about improvements and changes in the core APIs, we document the changes since the last release.
In this 3.0.0 release there are many improvements to the core platform: Breaking API changes, New features, New APIs, New commmands, API deprecations, and a new developer guide. Read more in Platform Changelog for Developers to see all changes to the platform and APIs.
New plugins
Recently new free and useful plugins were published on the Marketplace. Already more than 70 plugins are available, but we think this is just the beginning!
Premium features
Premium features include Funnels analysis, A/B Testing, Analytics for Youtube, Vimeo and any media player and Activity Log.
New guides
Read more about migrating a plugin from Piwik 2.X to Piwik 3 in our Migration guide.
We extend our gratitude to our sponsors, our professional partners and our dear users for your support and help in spreading the word.
List of 33 tickets closed in Piwik 3.0.0-beta4
- #5728 Passwords: use better algorithm than md5 hash, use salts and maintain BC
- #8224 JS Tracker: Enable by default Downloads and Outlinks tracking of right and middle mouse clicks [by @tsteur]
- #8566 API: Change to JSON format [by @mattab]
- #10846 Websites manager: Add possibility to exclude URL parameters matching a regular expressions [by @pafgoncalves, @mattab]
- #9777 Goal reports: for each Device type, Device name, Device model we now process Goal conversions, conversion rate and revenue [by @sgiehl, @mattab]
- #10900 JavaScript Tracker: new option « Track users with JavaScript disabled » and the
- #10890 Tracking API: when overriding the request datetime with an invalid token_auth, don’t track the request [by @tsteur, @mattab]
- #10938 Super User should not be able to see token_auth of other users
- #10313 segment editor: not enough line height for p,y,… [by @tsteur, @mattab]
- #10740 Updates password/token_auth hashing [by @mneudert, @tsteur]
- #10931 Prevent directory listing on apache servers [by @mattab]
- #10720 During upgrade, copy & pasting SQL queries manually does complete the upgrade -> clarify wording [by @mattab]
- #10911 New visit dimension « total interactions » and new action dimension « Interaction position » and corresponding segments [by @tsteur, @mattab]
- #8619 Remove deprecated Piwik\Archive::getDataTableFromArchive() [by @mnapoli, @sgiehl]
- #10923 Renamed Content Interaction(s) in Contents plugin [by @mattab]
- #10942 Fix a bug in query builder where tables are sorted randomly [by @tsteur, @mattab]
- #10863 Delete scheduled report after it was sent as scheduled [by @mattab]
- #10922 Updates intl data from cldr [by @sgiehl]
- #9096 Make Piwik 3.0 branch master
- #10903 Minor tweaks and events in Goals UI [by @tsteur]
- #10908 Fix a visualization of a title might not be shown in the dashboard [by @tsteur, @mattab]
- #10910 Typo in config setting name « enable_auto_update » [by @mattab, @tsteur]
- #8453 Enable auto update of travis.yml once Piwik 3.0 is merged to master [by @sgiehl]
- #10940 Make sure to ignore free plugins when checking for license [by @tsteur, @mattab]
- #10915 [automatic translation update] Updated 2210 strings in 52 languages (am, ar, be, bg, bn, bs, ca, cs, da, el, es, et, eu, fa, fi, fr, gl, he, hi, hr, hu, id, is, it, ja, ka, ko, lt, lv, nb, nl, nn, pl, pt-br, pt, ro, ru, sk, sl, sq, sr, sv, ta, te, th, tl, tr, uk, vi, zh-cn, zh-tw, de) [by @sgiehl]
- #10913 Note: old Piwik 2.x bookmarks no longer working
- #5543 Devices are not recognized as tablets [by @sgiehl]
- #5545 LenovoG780 laptop is recognized as smarthpone and desktop and mobile [by @sgiehl]
- #5547 Some UAs are wrongly recognized as tablets [by @sgiehl]
- #5556 add dorodo browser device nokia [by @sanchezzzhak, @sgiehl]
- #5558 Add detection for podcast clients/libraries [by @eteubert, @sgiehl]
- #5560 Dell smartphone false-positives [by @sgiehl]
- #5561 Fixed inconsistent key name for vendor fragments. [by @TheOnlyAl, @sgiehl]
We are together creating the best open analytics platform in the world. You can help make Piwik even more awesome by getting involved in Piwik!