We are proud to announce Piwik 3.0.0-beta3: our third public beta release of the new Piwik 3!

What’s new?

Piwik 3.0.0-beta3 brings many improvements to Piwik compared to Piwik 2.X, including a full redesign of the application and several major improvements in the core analytics platform and core plugins APIs. To learn more about Piwik 3 read our recent posts: Piwik 3: New UI design, API changes & release date, and Piwik 3: Important notes and breaking changes.

Compared to Piwik 3.0.0-beta2 released a few weeks ago, this beta3 version fixes a few minor issues that were reported by our beta testers (thank you all!). In terms of new features: 1) the scheduled reports will now display all reports as « flattened » by default, so your email reports give you a much better overview. 2) when you track single page applications, and use the heartbeat feature for a more accurate time on page, the new JavaScript API method disableHeartBeatTimer will help, and 3) you can now specify a unix socket when using Redis Cache. See the full list of changes below.

This release could only be possible thanks to our dedication and love for our mission at Piwik, which is “To create, as a community, the leading international open source digital analytics platform, that gives every user full control of their data”.

38 tickets have been closed by 15 contributors!

After You Update

  • Use the forums if you have any question or feedback (free support),
  • Report any bug you experience or your feedback about Piwik 3 in our issue tracker,
  • Please help us spread the word about Piwik 3! For example if you write about the project on your blog, website, twitter, talk about Piwik Analytics at conferences, or let your friends and colleagues know what is Piwik, it really helps the project grow. We need your support!
  • To improve Piwik in your language consider contributing to translations,
  • We can help you make the most of Piwik Analytics. Contact us via Professional support to get started.

Database upgrade

  • If you’re upgrading from Piwik 3 beta2, this release does not trigger any new database upgrade.
  • If you’re upgrading from Piwik 2: This release contains major database upgrades and upgrading your database will take a long time if you have a lot of data in your database. Please make sure you read the Update Piwik guide for high traffic instances.

Platform Changes

Piwik is an open analytics platform. In an effort to help Piwik developers learn about improvements and changes in the core APIs, we document the changes since the last release.

In this 3.0.0 release there are many improvements to the core platform: Breaking API changes, New features, New APIs, New commmands, API deprecations, and a new developer guide. Read more in Platform Changelog for Developers to see all changes to the platform and APIs.

Note: the Marketplace showcases more than 65 plugins extending Piwik but we think this is just the beginning. Piwik is your universal data analytics platform!

New guides

Read more about migrating a plugin from Piwik 2.X to Piwik 3 in our Migration guide.

Development Services

If you are missing some functionality in Piwik or need a bug fixed, or if you need a new custom feature developed especially for you, you can sponsor the development of it. Fill in this form to get started.

No feature or bug fix were sponsored in this new release, which was the result of the private and dedicated work of the creators and makers of Piwik.

List of 38 tickets closed in Piwik 3.0.0-beta3

We are together creating the best open analytics platform in the world. You can help make Piwik even more awesome by getting involved in Piwik!