We are proud to announce Matomo 5.1.1: a new release of Matomo Analytics.

What’s new?

A patch update is available for Matomo 5 that includes a moderate security fix and a streamlined process for trialling premium features.

New process for trialling premium features (On-premise users only)

When users initiate a free trial from within Matomo, they are automatically redirected to the Matomo Marketplace to complete the checkout process. The in-app Marketplace trial routes through to the Matomo Marketplace to streamline the trial and subscription experience.

Learn more on How to free trial and purchase Matomo Premium Features.

Screenshot of funnels plugin

Moderate security fix

Addressed a moderate security vulnerability related to an open redirect issue in the ‘logme’ mechanism. This fix prevents unauthorised redirection, enhancing the security within Matomo.

After You Update

  • Please help us spread the word! Maybe you can write about the project on your blog, website, twitter, talk at conferences or let your friends and colleagues know what is Matomo. Already 1,000,000+ websites are keeping full control of their web analytics with Matomo!
  • Use the forums if you have any question or feedback (free support),
    or purchase a Support Plan to get professional support and guidance.
  • To improve Matomo in your language consider contributing to translations.
  • You can also support our efforts by purchasing valuable Premium Features for Matomo or try our Matomo Cloud solution.