Matomo 1.4 released: HTML Reports, Beta IPv6 support, Better Campaign Tracking


We are happy to announce immediate availability of Matomo 1.4.

What’s new in 1.4?

1) Experimental IPv6 support

IPv6 is a necessity since the world has now run out of IPv4 addresses. World IPv6 day is scheduled for June, 8th 2011 and it was important for us to be ready for this big event!

IPv6 support has been a top priority on the Matomo roadmap. We are happy to propose experimental (beta) IPv6 support in this release. We have tested as much as we could, but of course we greatly appreciate if you can test on your configuration and let us know any feedback.

2) Scheduled reports now available in HTML

As well as existing PDF reports, you can now schedule pretty HTML reports in Matomo.

Try to schedule a « Daily HTML Email » containing the few main metrics: you will just have to take a quick look at in the morning email routine.

3) Email reports now work when you don’t use cron

The Email reports (PDF or HTML) will now be sent even if you don’t use cron (or Windows Scheduled tasks). Visitors to your website will automatically trigger the email reports task via a « web cron » mechanism. You can now all enjoy the Scheduled Analytics Reports.

4) Analytics Campaigns tracking & URL Builder

Campaign tracking in Matomo Analytics (formerly Piwik Analytics) allows you to track how efficient are various marketing campaigns in bringing visitors to your website (visits, pageviews, etc.), and how well these visitors convert or how much revenue they generate. This feature has always been available in Matomo, but we have improved it recently and published more user documentation:


We have also fixed a few bugs to bring you the most stable Matomo release. Thanks to the Matomo team and Matomo professionnal services for their involvement in this release.

We really appreciate if you can write a blog post about Matomo or tell your friends, to let the world know about the best open source web analytics software!

We hope you enjoy this new release,

Happy Analytics!

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