FAQ: Set up login with SAML authentication

…access for multiple Matomo instances. If you’d like to use this feature, you must specify special values for SAML access attributes. For example: view: myMatomoserver.whatever.com:1,2,3;myotherserver.com:all admin: myMatomoserver.whatever.com:all;mythirdserver.com:3,4 superuser: myotherserver.com;myotherserver.com/otherMatomo If…

FAQ: Using a single Matomo installation with multiple domains

…server with Apache, your website file paths might look something like the following, where example.com and example.org are your two domains: Matomo installation in /var/www/html/matomo example.com in /var/www/html/example.com example.org in…

FAQ: What do the different rule types mean?

…no matter if the domain is written for example www.Example.com or www.example.com. For all comparisons there is also their counterpart available that allows you to exclude a certain value. For…

FAQ: How do I Install Matomo with Plesk

…following command in the Command field, edit the command to match your needs first. /opt/plesk/php/8.1/bin/php /var/www/vhosts/domain.com/httpdocs/console core:archive –no-ansi >> /var/www/vhosts/domain.com/logs/cron-matomo-archive.log The path typically for Plesk will be /var/www/vhosts/domain. If you…

FAQ: Configure Matomo for speed

…on very big mysql tables (when adding a new field, new indexes, etc.). The schema updates can take minutes or hours to complete: it helps to run the Matomo updater…