FAQ: Locations table reports

…interesting possibility is using this feature in combination with your other location data to build a more comprehensive picture of your audience. For example, if an immigration consultant notices a…

FAQ: The Visitors Overview report

…with Conversions Pageviews Unique Pageviews Downloads Unique Downloads Outlinks Unique Outlinks Avg. generation time You can select multiple metrics if you want to compare them. For example, to compare the…

FAQ: The Devices report

…user is on their mobile or a desktop computer, which brands they use and how modern the devices are. How to analyse Devices reports in Matomo You can access these…

FAQ: How to capture the initial heatmap snapshot manually ?

…(_paq.push([‘HeatmapSessionRecording::captureInitialDom’, {idHeatmap}])) mentioned in the helptext for « Capture Heatmap Snapshot Manually » option. Execute this command manually to capture the snapshot, when you feel your page is loaded completely….

FAQ: How do I access the Activity Log?

…access, you can see your activity log entries by using the Filter by user option. Depending on your version of Matomo, you may have the option to click on Personal…

Blog: Matomo and Translations: Update

…more translations in the works and there over 100 people working to make Matomo available in even more languages. This is a huge accomplishment and we are proud our users…