FAQ: Improving Your SEO Web Vitals

…of code that is required to load. Enable text compression Text compression uses complex algorithms to reduce the file size of text-only documents such as HTML, JavaScript and CSS files….

FAQ: Configure Matomo for speed

…on very big mysql tables (when adding a new field, new indexes, etc.). The schema updates can take minutes or hours to complete: it helps to run the Matomo updater…

FAQ: Disadvantages of Campaign Tracking URLs

…an email with the following link to your email marketing newsletters makes sense: https://example.com/?mtm_campaign=customer_newsletter&mtm_medium=email However, if one of your subscribers copies and pastes the link to their Facebook page, they…

FAQ: Import Google Search keywords in Matomo

…/index.php?module=SearchEngineKeywordsPerformance&action=processAuthCode added at the end. For example: https://matomo.my-website.com/index.php?module=SearchEngineKeywordsPerformance&action=processAuthCode Note: the URLs above are HTTPS: we highly recommend you run your Matomo instance over SSL. If your Matomo doesn’t support https