Matomo 5.0.1+ includes console commands which provide detailed diagnostic information about the archiving process.
These commands are intended for use by advanced Matomo administrators, developers or under the direction of support personnel.

Reports Queued for Processing

./console diagnostic:archiving-queue [--json]

Shows a list of all archives currently queued for processing, along with the time they were queued, current status and processing start time.
Output can be provided in JSON format by using the option –json parameter.

Archiving Metrics

./console diagnostic:archiving-metrics [--json]

Display a list of archiving related metrics, such as the archiving queue size or the most recent archive completion.
Optional JSON output which can be used as a data source for third party monitoring software such as Cloudwatch or Grafana.

Instance Statistics

./console diagnostic:archiving-instance-statistics [--json]

Show general statistics on data size and complexity likely to affect archiving load for the current server, optional JSON output.

Configuration Settings

./console diagnostic:archiving-config [--json]

Shows the value of all archiving related config settings, with optional JSON output.

Overall Status

./console diagnostic:archiving-status [--with-stats] [--email=EMAIL]

Combines all of the above four commands into a single output, this can be used to quickly gather all the information required for troubleshooting archiving issues in one place.
By default instance statistics are not included but can be added by using the --with-stats parameter.
The optional --email parameter can be used to directly send the output to the supplied email address,
eg. ./console diagnostic:archiving-status

Previous FAQ: How do I use the console tools in Matomo? Which console tools are available in Matomo by default?