Note: if you are using Matomo Cloud, this article does not apply.

Matomo allows Super Users to configure Privacy Policy and Terms & Conditions page URLs within the platform. Displaying these links at the bottom of the login page, anonymous user-accessible pages, and embedded widgets helps maintain transparency, build trust, and ensure legal compliance. This article explains the steps to configure these URLs in Matomo and the value of this feature.

How to Configure Privacy Policy and Terms & Conditions URLs in Matomo

Follow these steps:

  1. Log in to Matomo as a Super User.
  2. Navigate to Administration > General Settings > Privacy Manager.
  3. Enter the URLs for your Privacy Policy and/or Terms & Conditions pages in the respective fields.
  4. If you want to display the links at the bottom of embedded widgets, check the « Show in embedded widgets » option.
  5. Save your changes.

Once configured, the Privacy Policy and Terms & Conditions links will be displayed at the bottom of the login page, anonymous user-accessible pages, and, if selected, embedded widgets.

Additionally any users invited to Matomo will then need to accept the terms or privacy:

Accept Invite Form

Benefits of Configuring Privacy Policy and Terms & Conditions URLs

This will help maintain trust, transparency, and legal compliance across all interactions with your users:

  1. Enhanced trust and transparency: Displaying links to your Privacy Policy and Terms & Conditions communicates your organization’s commitment to user privacy and legal compliance, fostering trust with your users.

  2. Compliance with data protection regulations: Many jurisdictions require organizations to inform users about how their personal data is collected, processed, and protected. Providing easy access to your Privacy Policy and Terms & Conditions demonstrates compliance with these regulations.

Previous FAQ: Privacy policy: How do I update my privacy policy to explain Matomo Analytics?