Matomo 1.2.1
Piwik 1.2.1 is a maintenance release which fixes an incompatibility (introduced in Piwik 1.2) between the piwik.js Javascript file and other older version of Mootools and Prototype JS libraries. There is also a bug fix for Mysql 5 (strict mode) which was preventing new visitors to be recorded.
There are also other non-critical bug fixes included as well as updated translations.
This release does not update the Piwik database schema.
List of issues fixed in this release
- #2165 piwik.js: JSON stringify not working with prototype < 1.7 and mootools < 1.3
- #2153 Piwik Tracker throws SQL exceptions when using a boolean value for a tinyint(1) field
- #2177 serveStaticFiles: better handle disabled readfile()
- #2188 Segmentation in API to support greater/less than (or equal) as well as « contains » operators
- #2124 Piwik 1.2 and IE9 RC -> empty dashboard
- #2138 Default date to load is being ignored
- #2148 Can’t login if default site deleted
- #2162 Invalid argument supplied for foreach()
- #2151 UserManager.getUsersSitesFromAccess() doesn’t order idsite
- #2125 Piwik AutoUpdate (1.1.1 -> 1.2) failing with « Error Opening [absolute/path/to/piwik/latesthref= »« ] »
- #2126 WebTest: add auto-update test from latest version
- #2156 Update to JSLint 2011-03-05
- #2150 Piwik_Option: add delete() methods and unit tests
- #2173 piwik.js: getVisitorInfo()
- #2178 Search Engines Update
- #2154 IndexedByDate.getDataTableFromNumeric() lack of ‘order by’ breaks integration tests
- #2176 WebAppGallery review/feedback
- #2185 sanitizeInputValue() – improvements
- #2187 update to ZendFramework 1.11.4