Matomo 0.2.31
– ADDED One Click Update Mechanism. When a new Piwik version is out, the UI will link to a page that gives two options: automatic one click upgrade, or manual download. If automatic one click update is selected, Piwik will download piwik.orghref= »« , unzip, do a very basic check on the unzipped files, backup the configuration file and copy all files over existing files. For some configurations where the permissions (CHMOD) are not high enough, the one click ugrade may not work. This mechanism should help driving Piwik update rates from existing users, minimising impact of potential security issues, and maximising usage of latest piwik features!
– FIXED: Fatal error: Call to undefined function stream_context_create()
– FIXED #466 Support https reverse proxying. Patch by vipsoft
– ADDED few search engines
– FIXED #550 Widget + IE + ssl does not go together. Patch by vipsoft
– IMPROVED The language to country detection algorithm is much more robust, and the code very clean, added unit tests. Patch by Anthon! (see #504)
– FIXED #566 Broken Outlinks – Prototype JS breaks use of « for » in iterating over Array contents. Patch by Anthon
– FIXED #26 The user config file cannot only define a variable, it has to define the whole « category » of variables