We are proud to announce Matomo 3.9.0: a new release of Matomo Analytics.

What’s new?

Usability improvements. The Visits Log report has been improved and redesigned with new icons and a better timeline view:

And when you’re viewing the « Segmented Visitor Log », you can now directly (in one click!) create the matching visitor segment by scrolling down to the bottom of the Segmented Visitor Log and click the new icon « Add as a new segment »:

When you are using free and premium plugins, you can now update multiple plugins in one click (potentially saving a lot of time and many clicks):

You can also now get the Row Evolution and Segmented Visitor Log features for more reports and also for folders within your Behaviour reports.

When the `core:archive` command hasn’t recently successfully executed via the crontab, a new system check diagnostic will report the issue to Super Users to help them configure Matomo and generate reports correctly.

PHP 7.3 compatibility: There were a few issues running Matomo with the latest version of PHP, which have been adressed in this release. As always please report any bug you may experience with PHP 7.3 or newer.

Security improvements: Security email notifications (with the originating IP address) are now sent to each user whenever their password or their email address is changed. A XSS issue has also been fixed. We generally recommend you enable Two Factor Authentication in your Matomo settings.

Device Detector: Hundreds of new devices (smartphones, tablets, computers) are now better detected. Dozens of new Referrer Spammers were also added to our blacklist.

Tag manager: a few issues have been fixed. Our open source alternative to Google Tag Manager makes it easy to manage your JavaScript tags on your websites is already used in production in many large websites.

171 tickets have been closed by 20 contributors!

After You Update

  • Use the forums if you have any question or feedback (free support),
    or contact the Business Support Team to make the most of your Matomo Analytics and get professional support (paid support).
  • Please help us spread the word about Matomo! Maybe you can write about the project on your blog, website, twitter, talk about Matomo Analytics at conferences, or let your friends and colleagues know what is Matomo. Already 1,000,000+ websites have liberated their web analytics, and with your help we can grow the community!
  • To improve Matomo in your language consider contributing to translations.
  • Support our efforts by donating to the project.

Security release

This release is rated critical.

A XSS issue has been fixed (Thank you to xorathustra for his responsible disclosure via our HackerOne bounty program). Our security bug bounty program welcomes & rewards researchers who discover and responsibly report to us any security issues found in Matomo or any of the plugins created by Matomo/InnoCraft.

Database upgrade

This release does not contain any major database upgrade.

Platform Changes

Matomo is an open analytics platform. In an effort to help Matomo developers learn about improvements and changes in the core APIs, we document the changes since the last release.

In this 3.9.0 release there are breaking API changes, New features, New APIs. Read more in Platform Changelog for Developers to see all changes to the platform and APIs.

Note: the Marketplace showcases more than 90 plugins already compatible with Matomo 3 and this is just the beginning. Matomo is your universal data analytics platform!

New and updated SDKs (Tracking API Clients)

The Matomo team offers official SDKs (Tracking API Clients) for measuring your mobile apps and any other kind of apps.

Congratulations to the SDK maintainers and contributors for these great releases!

New plugins

By the Matomo team and InnoCraft:

By third party developers:

List of 171 tickets closed in Matomo 3.9.0

We are together creating the best open analytics platform in the world. You can help make Matomo even more awesome by getting involved in Matomo!