Introducing Crash Analytics for Matomo 


Bugs and development go hand in hand. As code matures, it contends with new browser iterations, clashes with ad blockers and other software quirks, resulting in the inevitable emergence of bugs. In fact, a staggering 13% of all pageviews come with lurking JavaScript errors.

Monitoring for crashes becomes an unrelenting task. Amidst this never-ending effort to remove bugs, a SurveyMonkey study unveils a shared reality: a resounding 66% of individuals have encountered bug-ridden websites.

These bugs lead to problems like malfunctioning shopping carts, glitchy checkout procedures and contact forms that just won’t cooperate. But they’re not just minor annoyances – they pose a real danger to your conversion rates and revenue.

According to a study, 58% of visitors are inclined to abandon purchases as a result of bugs, while an astonishing 75% are driven to completely abandon websites due to these frustrating experiences.

Imagine a website earning approximately 25,000 EUR per month. Now, factor in errors occurring in 13% of all pageviews. The result? A potential monthly loss of 1,885 EUR.

Meet Crash Analytics

Driven by our vision to create an empowering analytics product, we’re excited to introduce Crash Analytics, an innovative plugin for Matomo On-Premise that automatically tracks bugs on your website.

Crash Analytics for Matomo Evolution Graph
View crash reports by evolution over time

By offering insights into the precise bug location and the user’s interactions that triggered it, along with details about their device type, browser and more, Crash Analytics empowers you to swiftly address crashes, leading to an improved user experience, higher conversion rates and revenue growth.

Soon, Crash Analytics will become available to Matomo Cloud users as well, so stay tuned for further updates and announcements.

Say goodbye to lost revenue – never miss a bug again

Even if you put your website through the toughest tests, it’s hard to predict every little hiccup that can pop up across different browsers, setups and situations. Factors such as ad blockers, varying internet speeds for visitors and browser updates can add an extra layer of complexity.

When these crashes happen, you want to know immediately. However, according to a study, only 29% of surveyed respondents would report the existence of the site bug to the website operator. These bugs that go unnoticed can really hurt your bottom line and conversion rates, causing you to lose out on revenue and leaving your users frustrated and disappointed.

Crash detail report in Crash Analytics for Matomo
Detailed crash report

Crash Analytics is here to bridge this gap. Armed with scheduled reporting (via email or texts) and automated alert functionalities, you gain the power to instantly detect bugs as they occur on your site. This proactive approach ensures that even the subtlest of issues are brought to your attention promptly. 

With automated reports and alerts, you can also opt to receive notifications when crashes increase or ignore specific crashes that you deem insignificant. This keeps you in the loop with only the issues that truly matter, helping you cut out the noise and take immediate action.

Forward crash data

Easily forward crash data to developers and synchronise the efforts of technical teams and marketing experts. Track emerging, disappearing and recurring errors, ensuring that crash data is efficiently relayed to developers to prioritise fixes that matter.

Eemerging, disappearing and recurring crashes in Crash Analytics for Matomo
Track emerging, disappearing and recurring bugs

Plus, your finger is always on the pulse with real-time reports that offer a live view of crashes happening at the moment, an especially helpful feature after deploying changes. Use annotations to mark deploys and correlate them with crash data, enabling you to quickly identify if a new bug is linked to recent updates or modifications.

Crash data in real time
Crash data in real time

And with our mobile app, you can effortlessly stay connected to your website’s performance, conveniently accessing crash information anytime and anywhere. This ensures you’re in complete control of your site’s health, even when you’re on the move.

Streamline bug resolution with combined web and crash analytics

Crash Analytics for Matomo doesn’t just stop at pinpointing bug locations; it goes a step further by providing you with a holistic perspective of user interactions. Seamlessly combining Matomo’s traditional and behavioural web analytics features—like segments, session recordings and visitor logs—with crash data, this integrated approach unveils a wealth of insights so you can quickly resolve bugs. 

For instance, let’s say a user encounters a bug while attempting to complete a purchase on your e-commerce website. Crash Analytics reveals the exact point of failure, but to truly grasp the situation, you delve into the session recordings. These recordings offer a front-row seat to the user’s journey—every click and interaction that led to the bug. Session recordings are especially helpful when you are struggling to reproduce an issue.

Visits log combined with crash data in Matomo
Visits log overlayed with crash data

Additionally, the combination of visitor logs with crash data offers a comprehensive timeline of a user’s engagement. This helps you understand their activity leading up to the bug, such as pages visited, actions taken and devices used. Armed with these multifaceted insights, you can confidently pinpoint the root causes and address the crash immediately.

With segments, you have the ability to dissect the data and compare experiences among distinct user groups. For example, you can compare mobile visitors to desktop visitors to determine if the issue is isolated or widespread and what impact the issue is having on the user experience of different user groups. 

The combination of crash data with Matomo’s comprehensive web analytics equips you with the tools needed to elevate user experiences and ultimately drive revenue growth.

Start in seconds, shape as needed: Your path to a 100% reliable website

Crash Analytics makes the path to a reliable website simple. You don’t have to deal with intricate setups—crash detection starts without any configuration. 

Plus, Crash Analytics excels in cross-stack proficiency, seamlessly extending its capabilities beyond automatically tracking JavaScript errors to covering server-side crashes as well, whether they occur in PHP, Android, iOS, Java or other frameworks. This versatile approach ensures that Crash Analytics comprehensively supports your website’s health and performance across various technological landscapes.

Elevate your website with Crash Analytics

Experience the seamless convergence of bug tracking and web analytics, allowing you to delve into user interactions, session recordings and visitor logs. With the flexibility of customising real-time alerts and scheduled reports, alongside cross-stack proficiency, Crash Analytics becomes your trusted ally in enhancing your website’s reliability and user satisfaction to increase conversions and drive revenue growth. Equip yourself to swiftly address issues and create a website where user experiences take precedence.

Start your 30-day free trial of our Crash Analytics plugin today, and stay tuned for its availability on Matomo Cloud.

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