APIs Guide: Analytics API

This page is a hub space linking to the Analytics API guides. There are two main APIs in Matomo Analytics Web API: used to request all Matomo reports and to manage (add, update, delete) websites, users, permissions, email reports, etc. T...

FAQ: Set up login with SAML authentication

…access for multiple Matomo instances. If you’d like to use this feature, you must specify special values for SAML access attributes. For example: view: myMatomoserver.whatever.com:1,2,3;myotherserver.com:all admin: myMatomoserver.whatever.com:all;mythirdserver.com:3,4 superuser: myotherserver.com;myotherserver.com/otherMatomo If…

FAQ: How do I Install Matomo with Plesk

…following command in the Command field, edit the command to match your needs first. /opt/plesk/php/8.1/bin/php /var/www/vhosts/domain.com/httpdocs/console core:archive –no-ansi >> /var/www/vhosts/domain.com/logs/cron-matomo-archive.log The path typically for Plesk will be /var/www/vhosts/domain. If you…

FAQ: Installer Matomo sur site

…Configurez une tâche automatisée (cron) pour traiter les rapports Vidéos de formation Matomo Cette page explique comment installer Matomo sur votre serveur Web et commencer à suivre l’analyse Web de…

FAQ: Configure Privacy Settings in Matomo

…that your analytics data is only accessible to the Matomo administrator, meaning it is completely secure. This guide will explain how to easily make your favourite web analytics tool «…

FAQ: Setting up accurate visitors geolocation

…but geolocation will never be 100% accurate. Also, if you’re using the free database, your results won’t be as complete and accurate as the commercial ones. If you feel this…

FAQ: Import Google Search keywords in Matomo

…/index.php?module=SearchEngineKeywordsPerformance&action=processAuthCode added at the end. For example: https://matomo.my-website.com/index.php?module=SearchEngineKeywordsPerformance&action=processAuthCode Note: the URLs above are HTTPS: we highly recommend you run your Matomo instance over SSL. If your Matomo doesn’t support https

FAQ: How do I install and configure IIS on Windows for Matomo?

…Diagnostics > System Check, you may encounter the following warning message: Requesting ‘https://analytics.example.com/plugins/HeatmapSessionRecording/configs.php?idsite=4&trackerid=5lX6EM&url=http%3A%2F%2Ftest.test%2F’ resulted in an SSL error. Maybe you are using a self signed certificate? Please open the URL…

FAQ: Graphs and visualisations in Matomo

…which will open a detailed view of the historical values for this specific row: You can also compare several rows together, for example to compare Browser market share over the…