When using the Search Engine Keywords Performance plugin, you can import one of your website’s keywords into the corresponding Matomo website. But it is also possible to import the Google Keywords from several protocols/sub-domains into one Matomo website. First need to 1) create a Domain property in Google Search Console and then 2) import keywords from this property into Matomo. Follow these two steps:

1) Create a new domain property (from Google’s documentation).

  • In the Search Console home page, click Add property.
  • define the domain name and apply the required DNS change
  • Click Verify to add the property.

Note: It might take a few days to start seeing data for your new property.

2) In Matomo, configure the keyword import from this new Domain property.

  • In Matomo > Administration > Search Performance, below Google Search Console, click Setup Configuration.
  • Below Configure websites click the Add configuration
  • Select your Matomo Website to import keywords into, and then select the Domain Property you just created in the Google Search console.

After 2-3 days, all keywords from your Domain property should be imported in Matomo.

Previous FAQ: Why do I still see « keyword not defined » in some of my reports?