To import your Yandex Search Keywords in Matomo (Piwik), you need to sign in to the Yandex Webmaster and check your website is verified. Follow the steps below:

  1. Sign in at Yandex Webmaster.

  2. Click Add a site in Yandex Webmaster and enter your site URL

  3. Yandex will then invite you to Verify your site ownership.

  4. Once you have verified your site ownership, go to Yandex OAuth to create a new client.

  5. Provide a useful App name and description if you like:

  6. Choose Web services under Platforms and set the Callback URI. This needs to be set to your Matomo URL with this special URL/query /index.php?module=SearchEngineKeywordsPerformance&action=processYandexAuthCode added at the end. For example:

  7. Select the Permissions that are required for the import:

    Yandex.Passport API (Yandex ID API) requires Access to user avatar and Access to username, first name and surname, gender

    Yandex.Webmaster API requires Adding sites to Yandex.Webmaster and receiving indexing status information and Obtaining information about external links to site

  8. Click the Create app button. The following page will show you a summary of the choosen permissions together with the client ID and password.

  9. Use the Client ID and password to set up the client configuration within Matomo.

  10. You can now start connecting your account(s) and setting up import for specific websites.

Congratulations! You’re all set and your Yandex keywords will be imported in the new Matomo Search Keywords report.

Previous FAQ: Import Bing and Yahoo! search keywords into Matomo